- A Style Guide: For creative projects
A style guide is an important document for most successful projects. That’s why it surprises me that it’s often overlooked by creative project teams.
- Clear Writing: Plain language for everyone (no gobbledygook!)
It’s not easy to write clearly. This is why we often see confounding user guides, baffling instructions, and confusing handouts. But if it’s hard,
- Lean Your Home Office: Bring 5S and Continual Improvement to Work
Over the years, I’ve worked on a number of eLearning courses for different companies focused on bringing lean, 5S, and continual improvement into their
- Lessons from Gita: Learning new tricks from an old dog
My old dog knows lots of stuff. She’s learned some tricks and she knows how to adapt to change. I can learn a lot
- Resolution 9: From dissonance to consonance
Many people seem to make resolutions in January for the New Year. I usually don’t… but this year it seemed like a good idea.
- Slow seeing: In order to make the whole clear
It is essential to simply slow down in order to see and think more clearly; it is this process that allows us to realize
- The skunk who came for help
Yesterday evening I came home from a busy day and noticed a skunk was nosing around my front yard. No big deal… My dogs
- Top Ten Traits of Great Learning Experiences
I just spent the last two weekends in a wonderful Artist-Educator workshop [1. Artist-Educator Foundations Course, The Royal Conservatory with the support of the
- Translating Courses into Inuktitut Languages
A project I’ve been working on over the past three years is on government procurement for Nunavut businesses (how to sell products and services